Press Statement - Wigan Councillor

Published on by mikemouldingcommunity-action

I have submitted an official complaint to the Standards Committee of Wigan Council regarding the conduct of Councillor Lawrence Hunt.

During the full meeting of Wigan Council on the 7th November, during a debate about the governments welfare reform the Labour Group were expressing concern about the reforms on disabled people.

I heard Councillor Lawrence Hunt compare the Conservative Iain Duncan-Smith to a "Nazi".

This prompted an angry reaction from Councillor James Grundy who demanded an apology, stating that Iain Duncan-Smith's father was a "war fighter" and that Councillor Hunt's comments were an insult.

The Mayor, Councillor Myra Whiteside invited Councillor Hunt to apologise. Councillor Hunt responded by saying "No".

This prompted Councillor Grundy to walk out of the council chamber.

Therefore, I believe that Councillor Lawrence Hunt has fallen below the standards of what is expected of an elected representative.

Whilst I deplore the attacks by government on the most vulnerable in society, it is clearly wrong of any Councillor to compare any minister or even any UK government to that of the Nazis.

The Nazis, through experiments committed some of the most henious crimes against humanity in history, including people living with disability.

Best wishes

Michael Moulding
Deputy Leader
Community Action Party

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